Official Coronado Panama Community Website
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  • Nature in Coronado, Panama

    A request for 107 hectares on Isla de Cañas

    A request for 107 hectares on Isla de Cañas

    The Ministry of Environment is currently reviewing a request for the concession of 107 hectares in the Wildlife Refuge of Isla de Cañas and will hold a public consultation in Los Santos on November 14th, 2017. ...

    Record-breaking bird migration

    Record-breaking bird migration

    890 thousand 42 birds migratory birds took to the sky October 31st, 2017, the largest amount recorded in one day Audubon Society of Panama.

    Birds close Tocumen runway

    Birds close Tocumen runway

    A flock of migrating birds closed a runway in Panama at Tocumen International Airport for over an hour on Monday, August 14, 2017. According to Copa Airlines, 25 flights were diverted ...

    Panama bound Salmon Eggs to Stay in Canada

    Panama bound Salmon Eggs to Stay in Canada

    AquaBounty Canada Inc., a company that originally said its plans were to produce salmon eggs in P.E.I. Canada and then ship them to Panama to mature has decided to rear the fish in ...

    Dolphins rescued from River

    Dolphins rescued from River

    With strong rains in the province of Chirigui, two dolphins managed to find their way into the river of Platanares. The dolphins were spotted in the river near a private farm ...

    The acceleration of sea level rise

    The acceleration of sea level rise

    A new scientific analysis indicates that  Earth’s oceans are rising nearly three times as rapidly than throughout most of the 20th century.  The paper from the ...

    Bill to reduce plastic bags approved

    Bill to reduce plastic bags approved

    A bill that calls for the “reasonable use of plastic bags” and to “eliminate the current abuse” of plastic in Panama, has been approved. Politican, Acan-Efe Samir Gozaine ...

    Punta Chame development affecting mangroves

    Punta Chame development affecting mangroves

    A tourist complex plans to remove at least 16 hectares of mangroves from the bay of Chame. The Environmental Impact Study (EIA) for the Portones del Mar Yacht Club & Resort is ...

    Amphibian Reintroduction begins in Panama

    Amphibian Reintroduction begins in Panama

    In less than a month, the Gamboa Amphibian Rescue and Conservation Center will begin the process of reintroducing amphibian species back into the wild. This will be the first time an ...

    Harpy Festival at Summit Park

    Harpy Festival at Summit Park

    Sunday, April 9 2017 the Summit Municipal Park in Panama City will host the XV edition of Festi Harpía 2017,  a celebration to pay homage to Panama’s national bird, the ...

    Will Panama Ban Plastic Bags?

    Will Panama Ban Plastic Bags?

    Non-Degradable plastic bags could become history in Panama, if a bill proposed by the deputy of the ruling Panamenista Party is ...

    FCPP Develops Plan for Azuero Monkeys

    FCPP Develops Plan for Azuero Monkeys

    After studying two critically endangered endemic primates, the Azuero howler monkey, and the Azuero spider monkey, The Panamanian Primate Conservation Foundation (FCPP) aims to ...