Assembly approves fines for use of plastic bags

The National Assembly has approved a bill that prohibits the use of plastic bags and promotes companies that encourage the use of reusable bags in their establishment.

Tuesday 8 August deputies achieved the consensus and agreed that it will be the Authority for Consumer Protection and Defense of Competition (ACODECO) responsible to create a fund for monetary fines Applied to offenders who do not use plastic bags responsibly.

The document establishes that commercial businesses will proceed to the progressive replacement of prohibited bags (non-recyclable bags), within a period of 12 to 24 months, with those created by the non-polluting material or reusable plastic.

Prudent Samir Gozaine stressed applying rules to the use of plastics will reduce the country's plastic output by 20%.

The project contemplates a transition period of 12 months for supermarkets, pharmacies and retailers to adapt to new requirements, and 24 months for warehouses and wholesalers.

Merchants may choose to charge or not charge the cost of the bags to their customers.

Acodeco will supervise that the businesses that decide to charge, apply a reasonable rate.