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    Ingredients:     1 bunch spring onions      2-3 medium size red hot chilli's      300g pork filet      150g pork liver (if one does not like liver add 150g filet)      150g bamboo sprouts (canned is fine, but then dry them in a ...

    Neighborhood Watch Program

    Neighborhood Watch Program

    The Neighborhood Watch program (Vecinos vigilantes) success depends on active householder participation. A key ingredient for the Coronado community is to get the contribution of those householders who are not permanent residents. It is important that those persons contact the coordinators as ...

    How To Make Natural Mosquito Repellant in Your Kitchen

    How To Make Natural Mosquito Repellant in Your Kitchen

    The Citronella plant itself is not highly effective for keeping mosquitoes away, however the oil and the smoke can be used against mosquitoes. Here are 2 simple home made methods to put your citronella plants to use as mosquito repellaant to make ...

    SPECIAL Coronado Police Cell Phone Number

    SPECIAL Coronado Police Cell Phone Number

    Please, take time to read this message in its entirety.  If there is any part of it that you do not understand, please feel free to e-mail back to me and I will answer or find someone who can. Dear Readers; The following letter was sent out to the persons who registered to have their ...

    Restaurant: Club T. Malibu Bar

    Restaurant: Club T. Malibu Bar

    You've drove past it and maybe are a regular. It's a dive of a place with a covered terrace with mismatched lawn furniture.  I would have never come here unless someone told me that the clams are great. Problem is that they don't have the clams at least half the time. Tonight they didn't have ...

    Winners Circle

    Winners Circle

    Congratulations to Mike Liebig who was the winner of the Canada / US Cup Golf Tournament!  Runners-up were Rhael Cote and Jeannette MacDonald. Longest Drive for the women went to Sharon Rennie and for the men to John Skinner. Longest putt for the men was Cliff Parish and for the women, Donna ...

    Coronado Security; ID cards for employees

    Coronado Security; ID cards for employees

    In an effort to reduce property theft and home break-ins, all domestic employees working in the Coronado area now need to be registered with ID cards at the front gate. Employees must be carrying ID while in he Coronado area. Police have been stopping busses at the gates for registration spot ...



    An Afternoo of Tea and Bingo! This Bingo is being held to raise funds to provide two-way radios for the Police staff patrolling the streets of Coronado. The organizers are looking for donations for prizes. This is a marvelous opportunity to promote your enteprise. Win ...

    Maintaining Soil Levels for a Healthy Garden

    Maintaining Soil Levels for a Healthy Garden

    It is a necessary and a common practice, to remove the weeds and grass that grow around ornamental plants and trees. When this happens the gardener inevitably pulls out some soil ...

    An Update on Coronado Roads

    An Update on Coronado Roads

    An update on the road situation from a letter by Roberto Eisseman, translated into English thanks to Myra Davidson: ...

    Bienvenido a Panama!

    Bienvenido a Panama!

    Well, the word is certainly out.  If it seems that in the past several months you hear more and more English spoken at El Rey than ever before, well yes, it’s happening.  Panama is in the world’s spotlight and its brightness seems here to ...

    Playa Community Website Launch

    Playa Community Website Launch

    A community focused website to keep the Coronado English speaking community updated on the latest news and events going on in our area. Our purpose is to be a resource of useful community information for residents, vacationers and weekenders. As such, we encourage our neighboring communities to ...