2-Way Radios for Coronado Police

The purpose of the Grand Family Bingo Game coming up this Saturday is to raise money to purchase two 2-way radios for the Coronado Police Force.
We really need your help to make this happen. $10.00 tickets include afternoon tea, are available from Myra Davidson at 6615-5585
We have a wealth of prizes donated by local businesses. The following is a sampling of a few prizes to be won this Saturday:
- 2 nights stay for 2 people at Decameron Resort
- 2 nights at for 2 people at Coronado Resort
- A beautiful floor or wall tapestry worth $175
- Dinner for 2 at Magestic Casino Restaurant
- Dinner for 2 at Chef’s Restaurant in Coronado
- Dinner for 2 at Luna Rossa in Coronado
- Dinner for 2 at Malibu Bar and Restaurant in Coronado
- A new citizen men’s watch
- $50 shopping certificate from El Ray
Join in this fun this Saturday and support our local police.
Click For Details: