English Lessons for Police

Tuesdays and Thursdays mornings  around 10:30, Cliff Parrish arrives at Mayra Davidson’s home to help teach English to a mixed bag of Police officers, who are now having to deal with a growing population of English speakers.   Mayra and Cliff have a lot to contend with and find they often have to adapt their teaching methods. Different police offices show up from class to class, and a wide range of English speaking skills. High ranking officers to beat cops come to learn. Our teachers focus on the goal of teaching the police English that is useful in the interactions they would have in their jobs on a day to day basis.

While this teacher volunteer program is still in its early stages, it appears to have met with strong support from the Police, who are allowing officers to attend classes on paid time.

If you would like to help out, contact Mayra Davidson at 6615-5585