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  • Food And Drink in Coronado and Panama

    Panama Greek Fest 2019

    Panama Greek Fest 2019

    Saturday March 30th the Hellenic Orthodox Community will host the sixth edition of the "Panama Greek Festival."

    Panama exhibits coffee in Shanghai

    Panama exhibits coffee in Shanghai

    Representatives of eight Panamanian coffee companies will showcase their best products at the 27th International Exhibition of Equipment and Food Services HOTELEX.

    Easter Beach Brunch recipes

    Easter Beach Brunch recipes

    Celebrating Easter in Coronado Panama? here are some Easter brunch ideas and recipes to enjoy with family and friends.

    Choosing a Quality Knife Set

    Choosing a Quality Knife Set

    So, it’s time to buy a real knife set - a nice one! Luck for you, there are some quality knives available in Panama. Places to check include Do It Center, Arrocha, and Novey.

    5 tropical Thanksgiving hacks

    5 tropical Thanksgiving hacks

    Cooking American Thanksgiving in Panama this year? Here are a few simple holiday hacks to make your Thanksgiving dinner in the tropics one to remember.

    Fascinating Greek Wines

    Fascinating Greek Wines

    M. Stefan: The Wine Guy - Wine has been an important part of Greek culture for over 4000 years as the numerous archeological discoveries throughout Greece have revealed. The ancient Greeks knew well ...

    Make your wine taste better

     Make your wine taste better

    Do you ever pick up a bottle of wine that doesn’t quite taste right? Perhaps it is too sharp, sweet or skunky, or maybe its just not any ...

    LAS BÓVEDAS at Playa Ensenada

     LAS BÓVEDAS at Playa Ensenada

    QUOTE: “It’s fun to get together and have something good to eat, at least once a day. That’s what human life is about—enjoying things.” ---Julia ...

    Must Try Mango Recipes

    Must Try Mango Recipes

    With the rain come mangoes! Juicy, sweet and delicious these tropical fruits are in season for several months with the hight of mango season usually taking ...



    QUOTE:  “Our bodies have five senses:  touch, smell, taste, sight, and hearing.  Not to be overlooked is the sixth sense...hunger.” ...

    Río Hato Mango Festival 2016

    Río Hato Mango Festival 2016

    One of the best ways to celebrate the season, brush up on you mango knowledge and taste a wide variety of mangos the country serves up is to visit the ...

    The Restaurant at Sansara Resort

    The Restaurant at Sansara Resort

    QUOTE:  “Food is an important part of a balanced diet.”  ---Fran LeibowitzSansara Surf and Yoga Resort, located in Cambutal on the ...

    Easter Recipes

    Easter Recipes

    Wanting to whip up some exciting and tasty treats this Easter? Try these traditional dishes with a twist to impress your guest. ...