Official Coronado Panama Community Website
  • Today's Tides: H 03:38am L 09:47am H 03:57pm L 10:16pm
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  • News from the Rotary Club of Playa Coronado

    News from the Rotary Club of Playa Coronado

    The Rotary Club of Playa Coronado announced their presidents are now undergoing their President-Elect Training Seminar (PETS). This gives new Rotary Club leaders the opportunity to learn.

    School supply drive benefiting girls in STEM

    School supply drive benefiting girls in STEM

    Playa Community is accepting donations of school supplies to help girls in STEM, a Conservation Panama program helping expose girls in rural communities to science, technology, engineering, and math.

    Funraiser at Las Bovedas

    Funraiser at Las Bovedas

    March 28th 2020 attend the Bring Hope Funraiser, an opportunity to give back and enjoy a 4 course meal at Las Bovedas in Ensenada. Tickets are $50 and dinner is from 5:30 pm until 8:30 pm.

    Waved Charity Surfing

    Waved Charity Surfing

    Bastian Barnbeck is a 30 year old German national and the founder of Waved Charity Surfing. While Bastian only learned to surf 6 months ago, he enjoyed ...

    Bid4theBeaches Charity Auction

    Bid4theBeaches Charity Auction

    Take advantage of some great deals and help seven terrific community organizations with Bid4theBeaches! is an online charity auction to benefit seven local ...