News from the Rotary Club of Playa Coronado

The Rotary Club of Playa Coronado announced their presidents are now undergoing their President-Elect Training Seminar (PETS). This gives new Rotary Club leaders the opportunity to learn.

The president of the Playa Coronado districted explained "Playa Coronado is once again first in the Rotary World."

We were the first club to ask why the Rotary Foundation did not yet accept contributions in cryptocurrencies. We have a ready philanthropic donor, and we don’t want to turn away any possible donations.

The Playa Coronado club also spoke to their RACHEL project.

"The project is gaining momentum and approvals (MEDUCA Coclé last week), and it continues to deliver tablets and laptop computers to children." 

For more information on The Rotary Club of Playa Coronado visit: