School supply drive benefiting girls in STEM

Playa Community is accepting donations of school supplies to help girls in STEM, a Conservation Panama program helping expose girls in rural communities to science, technology, engineering, and math.
School Supply Drive for Girls in STEM
Collections start March 12th and will close on April 12th
WHERE: Drop off box is located at the
Coronado Frame Shop in the Rincon del Chef Plaza
the shop is open Monday to Friday from 10:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m.
WHAT: School supplies! *All school supplies will be accepted, so if you are a parent who has bought extras for your kids or have items you do not need they can be donated. If you are buying specifically for the cause see the list below for the most needed items.
You can also donate directly to Conservacion Panama a U.S. registered NGO 501(C)(3). Donates will be accepted here.
If your question is about anything to do with drop-off (location, directions, time, etc.)
Vicente Guzman, owner of Coronado Frame
WhatsApp: (507) 6780-0605
If your question is about Playa Community (the organization advertising the event)
Kara Patrick, owner of Playa Community
WhatsApp: (507) 6652-6720
If your question is about Girls in STEM or Concervacion Panama
(the Program & NGO the school supply drive is benefiting)
Ezekiel Jakub, Executive Director of Conservation Panama
WhatsApp: (507) 6494-0106
Here is a list of the most needed items:
- Pencils
- Lined notebooks
- Blank paper
- Crayons
- Colored pencils
- Tempera
- Color pencils
- Erasers
- Sharpeners
- White glue
- Glue sticks
- Scissors
- white board makers & erasers
Girls in Stem is a Conservation Panama program create by a female scientist named, Melva Olmos. The program aims to cultivate curiosity for science and conservation while building confidence in young women from rural areas in Panama.The basic program costs approximately $7,041.75 per 250 students. It includes 6 days of classroom and after-school programming. The cost includes travel (to remote areas), equipment, educational materials, personnel, and overhead.