Environmentalist fight to save the Azuero Spider Monkey

The Azuero spider monkey, a subspecies of the Central American spider monkey, is endemic to Panama’s Azuero Peninsula is subject to widespread deforestation and scarce food resources.
The Azuero spider monkey, a subspecies of the Central American spider monkey, is endemic to Panama’s Azuero Peninsula is subject to widespread deforestation and scarce food resources.
Help us fund the water guardians, an important water monitoring program in Panama that will arm schools in remote areas of Panama to identify water problems and find solutions.
A new species of Coral was discovered in Hannibal Bank a popular deep sea fishing destination and biodiversity hot spot near Coiba National Park, a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
The Ministry of Environment is currently reviewing a request for the concession of 107 hectares in the Wildlife Refuge of Isla de Cañas and will hold a public consultation in Los Santos on November 14th, 2017. ...
2,000 sea turtles hatchlings born in artificial nurseries were released Saturday, September 16th on the coast of Cambutal, in the province of Los ...
Sunday, April 9 2017 the Summit Municipal Park in Panama City will host the XV edition of Festi Harpía 2017, a celebration to pay homage to Panama’s national bird, the ...
Saturday February 5th at around 5:00 p.m. the Panamanian conservation organization, Asociacion Panamericana Para la Conservacion (APPC), removed a salt water crocodile from ...
As part of its commitment to aid Panama in preserving biodiversity by educating youth, the Bio museum has started 2017 with summer camps for children from 6 to 12 years ...
Five people were convicted of illegally trafficking turtle eggs on Wednesday August 17. All five perpetrators were fined ...
An illegal shipment of over 7000 turtle eggs was recently recovered from a car traveling to Panama City. The turtle eggs, from two endangered sea ...
One major item that litters towns, beaches and rivers is the light weight plastic bag. Due to the negative impact plastic has on the environment, individuals, businesses and governments are ...
In 2006 Carmen Aparicio Guzman, Principal of the local school in El Espave felt the need to educate her students on the importance of preserving the mangrove ecosystems in the bay of ...