Join Coronado International School in a beach Cleanup

Join forces with the staff and students of the Coronado International School for a beach cleanup September 16th 2024 at 8:30 a.m. The meeting place is the Coronado Beach Club.

This year students at Coronado International School are learning about their community and ways that they can protect the ecosystem and raise environmental awareness within their community. 

One way that they have determined they can make a change is by keeping our coastal community free of plastic and marine debris. The students are excited to put their plans into action this month with a Beach Cleanup. 

The Coronado International School Beach Cleanup will take place September 16th from 8:30 a.m., leaving from the Coronado Luxury suites Beach Club. Directions and more information - by phone at +507 6267-6238 or by email

Here are 3 reasons to join a local beach cleanup: 

Help collect information on marine litter

 From toothbrushes to plastic bottle caps, each cleanup offers information about what products are not being recycled and ending up in the ocean. A beach cleanup offers a starting place, we can use our findings to make changes in our lives that will help our environment. This detective game, of hunting for eco-friendly alternatives to the most common plastic finds on the beach, is just another way beach cleanups are making a wave of change. 

Help empower eco-warriors 

Educating the the next generation about plastic pollution is a proven way to create change. We plant seeds for a greener future by supporting our mini-environmentalists (who will keep us in check for years to come). Children are at the heart of the conversation when it comes to how we’re going to tackle problems like over consumption. By empowering the next generation, we’re sowing the seeds for a greener tomorrow. 

Taking action, feels good! 

By joining a community of like-minded nature lovers for a beach cleanup you are taking action within you community. This small step towards a plastic-free shoreline, may ignite a ripple effect. Your eco-journey can inspire friends and family to also take action. Sparking this chain reaction towards a plastic-free world is something can do collectively.

Soak up the sun, breathe in that salty air, and feel the good vibes. Join us for a beach cleanup in Coronado, Panama, and let’s make waves together!

While beach cleanups won’t instantly rid the seas of plastic, they’re a vital step in raising pollution awareness and inspiring action in our daily lives. Let’s rally together, focus on our environment, and learn how to protect it. 

For more information about this event contact the Coronado International School by phone at +507 6267-6238 or by email