Official Coronado Panama Community Website
  • Today's Tides: H 03:13am L 09:39am H 03:46pm L 09:54pm
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  • Useful Information for Expats

    Panama Property Tax Rebate, and Switch

    Panama Property Tax Rebate, and Switch

    According to a recent article in the daily, La Prensa, property owners have a great opportunity to pay a lower tax rate. All you have to do is voluntarily re-valuate your property and pay your lower rate on a higher tax base.Anyone who voluntarily re-valuates their property by June ...

    I got DUPED today!

    I got DUPED today!

    I pride myself in being able to spot a scam a mile away. I have never fallen victim to those calls that tell you have won a ...

    Dengue in Panama

    Dengue in Panama

    Dengue is an infectious disease carried by the anopheles mosquito. A ...

    Albrook Mall Maps

    Albrook Mall Maps

    If you like shopping, these Albrook Mall Maps are going to be useful for you.  Please note that there are now new stores open on the 2nd floor!    ...