The regulation of single use plastic in Panama

July 1 2022 Panama entered into the second phase of implementing a law regulating single-use plastic in the country. The law aims to reduce and progressively replace single-use plastic in Panama
July 1 2022 Panama entered into the second phase of implementing a law regulating single-use plastic in the country. The law aims to reduce and progressively replace single-use plastic in Panama
Plastic Free July® is recognized globally as an annual month where citizens, businesses, and governments come together to take action to reduce plastic waste.
175 Nations signed an environmental treaty to tackle plastic pollution at the UN Environment Assembly (UNEA) in Nairobi, Kenya on March 2nd, 2022
Panamanian singer-songwriter Rubén Blades, has teamed up with MarVida in a campaign to raise awareness on the need to reduce the consumption of single-use plastics.
A bill that calls for the “reasonable use of plastic bags” and to “eliminate the current abuse” of plastic in Panama, has been approved. Politican, Acan-Efe Samir Gozaine ...