Participate in Plastic Free July in Panama

Plastic Free July® is recognized globally as an annual month where citizens, businesses, and governments come together to take action to reduce plastic waste.

While this social change movement got wings in Australia, it’s now creating change on a global level, one participant at a time.

This is your opportunity to partake in Plastic Free July in Panama, by making environmentally conscious decisions in your daily life.

Plastic Free does not mean, ridding all plastic from your life. It is simply the act of consciously changing for more sustainable options where you can, sharing ideas, positive actions, and stories of change.

By doing this we are encouraging ourselves and the community we live in to “choose to refuse” single-use plastic and find alternatives wherever possible. 

Stories from all over the world are shared through the Plastic Free July platform. Participants explore plastic alternatives in their communities, in an effort to lead more sustainable lifestyles.

In the Community KIKUCHI, JAPAN Staff at Kikuchi City Library in Japan encouraged residents to reduce plastic waste. Their team translated and dubbed the official “Plastic Free July” animated video into Japanese. At the library, they hosted beeswax wrap workshops and used our free online resources to create a full display table with helpful information cards, posters, books, and plastic-free alternatives including, metal straws, paper, and fabric bags, and wax wraps.

Plastic Free Morning Tea Across the globe, groups from 97 countries were inspired by Plastic Free Morning Tea. A popular approach was to transform team meetings into a Plastic Free Morning Tea. Rethink Recycling Co-op in Australia hand-wrote pledges such as “I pledge to use a keep cup for all my coffees”. 

Share your plastic-free July ideas with us at