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    Drowning Doesn’t Look Like Drowning

    Drowning Doesn’t Look Like Drowning

    The new captain jumped from the deck, fully dressed, and sprinted through the water. A former lifeguard, he kept his eyes on his victim as he headed straight for the couple swimming ...

    Cleaning Up Panama

    Cleaning Up Panama

    Two weeks ago I was in Panama City on a Sunday morning running in an International race with another equally as crazy running amiga.  I have participated in many of these events ...

    Travelling In and Out of Panama

    Travelling In and Out of Panama

    "A Traveller sees what he sees, a tourist sees what he comes to see" - GK Chesteron While you may be a traveller or a tourist or a bit of both, Panama is a great ...

    CASA Enjoys Tour of Casco Viejo

    CASA Enjoys Tour of Casco Viejo

    What a great day for a walking tour of Casco Viejo!  The sun stayed behind the clouds most of the day; there was only a slight bit of rain around 12:30 while we were at lunch; ...

    Spay the Strays Volunteers ROCK!!!!

    Spay the Strays Volunteers ROCK!!!!

    Thanks to the hard work and dedication of our two vets (Dr. Alexis Escruceria and Dr. Jorge Velez), one vet tech (Jairo), several AG TECH students from the City, and ...

    The Moldy Season

    The Moldy Season

    The rain is coming and soon we will be amidst green grasses, lush flora, gentle sea breezes and great afternoon storms.  The only downside of this season is the unwanted house guest: MOLD.  It is a silent ...



    ¿Le gusta el español? You have probably heard the verb gustar in conversation many times before. You already know that it means, to like, or literally to please. But ...

    Taking A Taxi in Panama City

    Taking A Taxi in Panama City

    Who ever knew that taking a taxi in Panama could be a sport? I live at the beaches and do not like driving in the city or to the city. I will do it but I would much rather hop ...