Official Coronado Panama Community Website
  • Today's Tides: H 03:38am L 09:47am H 03:57pm L 10:16pm
  • | Complete Tide Tables
  • Over 7 million loss from blackout

    Over 7 million loss from blackout

    According from information from the Center for Economic Studies of the Chamber of Commerce, Industries and Agriculture of Panama Sunday’s six hour blackout could leave a loss of $7.8 million.

    Abnormal La Niña weather continues

    Abnormal La Niña weather continues

    Meteorologists of the Electricity Transmission Company (Etesa), confirmed in an article with Telemetro that hail fell on the Cinta Costera in Panama City Thursday afternoon.

    Etesa Working to Stop Power Outages

    Etesa Working to Stop Power Outages

    Etesa, Panama’s Electric Transmission Company, will change 40 transformers throughout the country in an effort to create a more reliable electrical ...

    Swell warning NOT tidal wave warning

    Swell warning NOT tidal wave warning

    Yesterday, September 21st, 2016, at 11:14 a.m. Hidrometeorología de ETESA, issued a hydro-meteorological warning for the occurrence of swell on the Pacific ...