Official Coronado Panama Community Website
  • Today's Tides: L 01:54am H 07:51am L 02:07pm H 08:27pm
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  • Panama to Certify Organic Crops

    Panama to Certify Organic Crops

    Panama is growing organic! This year, there are approximately 1,271 farmers who are cultivating about  6,396 hectares of pesticide-free products using environmentally ...

    Salt of the Earth

    Salt of the Earth

    By: Epicurious Em QUOTE:  “No cook is worth his salt unless he knows how to use it.”  --UnknownNothing can make or break a meal quicker than salt, as proper seasoning is a basis of ...

    The New “La Posta”

    The New “La Posta”

    by: Epicurious EmQUOTE:  “In the last couple of weeks, there was a review in the La Prensa newspaper about a new restaurant they referred to as ...