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  • Nature in Coronado, Panama

    Smooth Billed Ani

    Smooth Billed Ani

    The Smooth-billed Ani (Crotophaga ani) is a large near passerine bird in the cuckoo family. It is a resident breeding species from southern Florida, the Bahamas, the Caribbean, parts ...

    Pacific Parakeets

    Pacific Parakeets

    The Pacific Parakeet or Nicaraguan Green Conure (Aratinga holochlora strenua) is a subspecies of the Green Parakeet. It was long considered a distinctspecies. This bird is endemic to a small area in ...



    The Anhinga (Anhinga anhinga), sometimes called Snakebird, Darter, American Darter, or Water Turkey, is a water bird of the warmer parts of theAmericas. The word "anhinga" comes from ...

    Rose-Breasted Grosbeak

    Rose-Breasted Grosbeak

    The Rose-breasted Grosbeak, Pheucticus ludovicianus, is a large seed-eating songbird in the cardinal family (Cardinalidae). It breeds in cool-temperateNorth America, migrating to tropical America in ...

    Southern Lapwing

    Southern Lapwing

    The Southern Lapwing (Vanellus chilensis) is a wader in the family Charadriiformes. It is a common and widespread resident throughout South America, except in densely forested regions (e.g. most of the Amazon), the ...

    Spectacled Owl

    Spectacled Owl

    The Spectacled Owl, Pulsatrix perspicillata, is a large tropical owl. It is a residentbreeder from southern Mexico and Trinidad south to southern Brazil,Paraguay and northwestern Argentina. There are six ...

    Rufos Motmot

    Rufos Motmot

    The Rufous Motmot, Baryphthengus martii, is a near-passerine bird which is a resident breeder in rain forests from northeastern Honduras south to westernEcuador, northeastern Bolivia, and ...



    Caspian Terns with the orange beaks and black capped headsCommon Terns with the black beaks and whiter heads The Caspian Tern (Hydroprogne caspia, formerly Sterna caspia; Hydroprogne ...

    Green Kingfisher

    Green Kingfisher

    The Green Kingfisher, Chloroceryle americana, is a resident breeding bird which occurs from southern Texas in the USA south through Central and South Americal to central Argentina. This ...

    Snail Kite

    Snail Kite

    The Snail Kite, Rostrhamus sociabilis, is a bird of prey within the family Accipitridae, which also includes the eagles, hawks, and Old World vultures. Its relative, the Slender-billed Kite, is now again placed ...

    Crested Oropendola

    Crested Oropendola

    The Crested Oropendola, Psarocolius decumanus, is a New World tropical icterid bird. It is a resident breeder in lowland South America east of the Andes, from Panama and Colombia south to northern Argentina, ...

    Green Backed Heron

    Green Backed Heron

    The Green Heron (Butorides virescens) is a small heron of North and Central America. It was long considered conspecific with its sister species theStriated Heron (Butorides striata), and together they ...

    Clay Colored Robin

    Clay Colored Robin

    The Clay-colored Thrush (Turdus grayi) is a common Middle American bird of the thrush family (Turdidae). It is the national bird of Costa Rica, where it is well known as the yigüirro. It was formerly known ...



    The Great Kiskadee, Pitangus sulphuratus, is a passerine bird. It is a large tyrant flycatcher sometimes its genus ...

    Great Egret

    Great Egret

    The Great Egret (Ardea alba), also known as the Great White Egret or Common Egret or (now not in use) Great White Heron, is a large, widely-distributed egret. ...

    Purple Gallinule

    Purple Gallinule

    Moorhens, sometimes called marsh hens, are medium-sized water birds that are members of the rail family Rallidae. They constitute the genusGallinula. They are close relatives ...

    Black Vulture

    Black Vulture

    Vultures are scavenging birds, feeding mostly on the carcasses of dead animals. Vultures are found on every continent except Antarctica. Although feeding largely on meat (as opposed to ...



    The Whimbrel Numenius phaeopus, is a wader in the large family Scolopacidae. It is the one of the most widespread of the curlews, breeding across much ofsubarctic North ...

    Black Bellied Whistling Duck

    Black Bellied Whistling Duck

    The Black-bellied Whistling-duck (Dendrocygna autumnalis), formerly also called Black-bellied Tree Duck, is a whistling-duck that breeds from the southernmost United States and ...



    The Sanderling (Calidris alba, syn. Crocethia alba or Erolia alba) is a small wader. It is a circumpolar Arctic breeder, and is a long-distance migrant, wintering south ...



    The Willet, Tringa semipalmata (formerly in the monotypic genus Catoptrophorus, as Catoptrophorus semipalmatus), is a large shorebird in thesandpiper family. ...