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  • Choosing a Quality Knife Set

    Choosing a Quality Knife Set

    So, it’s time to buy a real knife set - a nice one! Luck for you, there are some quality knives available in Panama. Places to check include Do It Center, Arrocha, and Novey.

    5 tropical Thanksgiving hacks

    5 tropical Thanksgiving hacks

    Cooking American Thanksgiving in Panama this year? Here are a few simple holiday hacks to make your Thanksgiving dinner in the tropics one to remember.

    Chillin with the Chilis

    Chillin with the Chilis

    By:Epicurious EmQUOTE:  “Habaneros have a great fruity flavor, but the challenge is that you have to deflect the heat in order to taste the flavor.  If you don’t, ...

    Salt of the Earth

    Salt of the Earth

    By: Epicurious Em QUOTE:  “No cook is worth his salt unless he knows how to use it.”  --UnknownNothing can make or break a meal quicker than salt, as proper seasoning is a basis of ...

    Cooking Oils 101

    Cooking Oils 101

    by Epicurious EmQUOTE:  “Do you think Olive Oyl was a virgin?”  --PopeyeSolvent extracted oils are made using oil extracted from plants along with ...