Varela inaugurates Line 2 of the Panama Metro

April 25th the Varela administration opened the second line of the Panama Metro system, an elevated system connecting San Miguelito with Nuevo Tocumen covering 21 kms with 16 stations.
La Prensa writes, In the inauguration Varela greeted members of Metro de Panamá and the directors of the Line 2 Consortium, made up of the Brazilian company Odebrecht and the Spanish company FCC.
The article states the president spoke to the Odebrecht corruption scandal in an indirect way saying "despite the justified judicial and media storms they dedicated themselves to work" to complete the project.
The Odebrecht corruption scandal involved a confession of $ 59 million in bribes between 2010 and 2014 to get public works contracts.
Nevertheless President Varela’s Administration spoke to the job as one completed "transparency and efficiency" on their government’s website. With a total investment of $ 2,130 million in Line 2, the project generated more than 6,000 jobs, benefiting mostly residents of surrounding communities.
During the inaugural event the President shared a ride with the dozens of users who were at the San Miguelito Station. A typical Panamanian party followed, which folk music, calypso, jazz, and fireworks.
President Varela expressed his gratitude to those who made the construction of Line 2 possible, calling them the heroes of the day. He also thanked the the secretary of the Metro, his team and the companies that make up the consortium responsible of the work.
The trip from San Miguelito to Nuevo Tocumen can now be completed in just 35 minutes. The Line was completed in 43 months and directly benefits more than 98 communities. It will also have an impact on the lives of students and educators from 48 centers educational centers located along its 21 kilometers who will use it to commute.
an estimation was made that Line 2 in its initial stage, will transport approx. 16,000 passengers per hour. With 21 trains of five wagons, each that will make the complete tour of the 16 stations, the project should ease traffic in the region.
The President highlighted that the Line that today provides an exclusive route that will allow a faster route than other means of transportation, allowing Panamanians to spend more time with their families.
Line 2 Panama Metro Stations
San Miguelito, Paraíso, crossing with Vía Cincuentenario, Villa Lucre, Brisas del Golf; Los Pueblos and Metromall shopping centers; San Antonio, El Parador, Don Bosco, the Technological University of Panama (UTP), Las Mañanitas, Hospital del Este, Altos de Tocumen, the shopping center La Doña and Nuevo Tocumen.
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