Panama Beaches to Reopen October 24

The Minister of Health, Luis Francisco Sucre, announced this Tuesday, October 20, that the government will end Panama’s quarantine on Sunday Oct 25th and open the country’s beaches October 24th 2020.
Panama has prohibited access to their beaches since March 2020 due to the Covid-19 pandemic. October 24 2020 beaches in Panama are reopening, with some exceptions and restrictions. Restrictions to beach access in Panama include, a schedule from 6:00 am to 4:00 pm with curfew maintained from Monday to Sunday, from 11:00 pm to 5:00 am.
The Ministry of Health (Minsa) stressed people stay within their "family bubble", which should not have more than seven individuals.
No walks will be allowed; The sale of alcoholic beverages, food and the presence of street vendors is prohibited. Nor will rides on buses or other mass transportation be allowed.
If a family takes their food, they can only consume it inside their bubble. Also, between each bubble there must be a distance of at least four meters.
The places that have restaurants and inns may serve the public, complying with all sanitary measures, and must have the respective permits from the municipalities and the Ministry of Commerce and Industries.
"Visitors must respect all the biosafety regulations, they can only be without masks while they stay inside their family bubble. Once they break that bubble and go to a social area or have to share with other people, they should wear their masks, "Sucre said at the conference on Tuesday.
Parties are prohibited.
Access will not be allowed to people with symptoms suggestive of Covid-19, who are positive, have undergone a swab test, who are awaiting a result or who are contact with positive cases, said the head of Health.
He stressed that the surveillance work will be carried out with an inter-institutional team and with local authorities; mayors and governors.
“We believe and trust Panamanians, so we ask everyone to maintain and respect biosecurity measures. As long as we all behave in the right way, that we have discipline and do the right things, we can continue to enjoy our beaches" Sucre states.