Panama and Paraguay talk trade, tourism and security

President Juan Carlos Varela, met with his Paraguayan counterpart, Mario Abdo Benitez in the Government Palace, February 14th 2019.

The meeting marks the first official bilateral meeting between the presidents of Panama and Paraguay, in 77 years of diplomatic relations.

Following the private meeting, President Abdo Benitez decorated the Panamanian President with the National Order of Merit in the degree of "Mariscal Francisco Solano Lopez Necklace" and Abdo Benitez received the Order Manuel Amador Guerrero in Degree of "Collar".

Also in attendance were Minister of Commerce and Industry, Néstor González, the Minister of Tourism, Gustavo Him and the Ambassador of Panama to the Republic of Paraguay, Hugo Moreno. On behalf of Paraguay, the Vice President of the Republic, Hugo Velázquez; the chancellor, Luis Castiglioni; the Minister of Agriculture, Denis Lichi, the Minister of Industry and Commerce, Liz Cramer and the Minister of Tourism, Sofia Montiel.

Several themes that were highlighted during the meetings including commerce, tourism and security. President Varela spoke to the competitive advantages of Panama and various incentives offered by the country that aim to encourage foreign investment, incentives which he extended to Paraguayans. 

During this official visit, the Presidents Varela witnessed the signing of two legal documents on training and security incentives. These were, The Memorandum of Understanding of Academic Cooperation between the Ministry of National Defense of the Republic of Paraguay and the Ministry of Public Security of the Republic of Panama and the Memorandum of Understanding between the National Intelligence Secretary of the Republic of Paraguay and the Executive Secretary of the National Security Council of Panama.