9.8% of those in jail are foreigners

Of the 16,296 people in Panamanian prisons, 1,609 are foreign nationals, according to figures from the National Penitentiary System. This number represents 9.8% of the total population. The foreign country with the largest number of people detained in Panama was Colombia.
The vast majority having been charged or convicted on drug related charges.
According to the statistics from the General Directorate of the National Penitentiary System there is a 15% overcrowding in the twenty Panamanian prisons. To date, Panama has ratified bilateral repatriation treaties with 12 countries and signed two other multilateral agreements.
The head of the Ministry of Government (Mingob), María Luisa Romero, explained that Panama has carried out 130 repatriations of which 51 were of Colombians.
This process consists of the transfer of the foreign prisoners to their respective countries of origin, with the purpose to finish the imposed sentence. One of the fundamental requirements, is that the person voluntarily requests their repatriation.
According to the head of government, for the first time in several years the growth of the prison population had reduced. it. "By 2016 we had 17,165 individuals deprived of their liberty, one of the highest rates of imprisonment in the region, but now our we are currently at 16,296," he emphasized. The problem of overcrowding persists at 15%.
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