Panama Tide Tables 2022

The 2022 Panama Tide Tables for the Bay of Chame are now live on Playa Community. Find Panama Pacific high and low tides on top of our homepage or click Complete Tide Tables for the monthly view!

Playa Community has been posting Panama Pacific Coast Tide Tables for the Bay of Chame for over a decade. Our goal in doing this is to help share information that can bring people together to enjoy Panama’s Pacific coastlines and ocean. 

If you are enjoying the Pacific Ocean and the public beach access along Panama’s Pacific coast we encourage you to enjoy responsibly this means - taking your litter with you. Even where there are garbage cans in place pick-up can be irregular, and weather (and tides) often lead to this trash being washed out to sea. 

If you are an ocean enthusiast and want to protect it for generations to come here are small acts that will help. 

- When visiting the beach consider bringing a reusable water bottle with a beverage of choice, or cans, then take them with you to be recycled or washed. 

- Pack snacks, like fruit in a peal instead of grabbing plastic-wrapped snacks that create more trash you will need to bring home. If you toss your peals Serena Rocks you will also have some happy Iguanas. 

- Bring a cloth bag that you don’t mind getting dirty. use it for a mini beach clean-up if you see any trash you are capable of taking home with you to dispose of responsibly. 

For the full January 2022 Panama Tide Tables & the tides for the rest of 2022 click here.