Upcoming spay clinic in San Jose

February 9th will bring the next Spay the Stray Clinic to the beach area. The clinic, that offers sterilization for dogs and cats at a reduced cost will take place in San Jose, San Carlos.
Casa Cultural, located in San Jose in the district of San Carlos District of Panama Oeste will host the clinic. Please share this information with locals in need of this service. Or if you know of any strays in your community please try and bring them to the clinic between the hours of 8:00 AM - 3:00 PM. The cost for dogs is over 50 lbs is $25 and under 50 libs is $20, cats are $15.
PURE BREED DOGS: The purpose of STS is to sterilize, at very low cost, non-pure breed pets for families in rural areas with limited resources or rescues. Purebred dogs belonging to people with good resources, will have additional costs for sterilization, depending on the breed and size of the animal.
PLEASE NO FOOD OR WATER THE MORNING OF THE CLINIC. For more info on this event or upcoming spay clinics visit the Spay the Strays Facebook Page here.
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