Now you can Submit Articles to Playa Community!

After over a decade of articles generated by a small team, Playa Community, the top source for News and Information in Coronado Panama, is taking submissions (in English & Spanish)!
The Submit Article feature of Playa Community aims to grow our virtual community in a few ways:
1) By offering our readers more unique experiences, news and events relevant to living and visiting the Pacific beaches in Panama.
2) By creating a forum where people living in, or considering a move to Panama can share their stories.
3) By working to make our website more relevant for our Spanish speaking community.
How to Submit an Article on Playa Community
Start writing today! Following these simple steps:
1) Click the big orange button ’Submit Article’ (look up and to the right)!
* If you do not already have an account with us, or are not logged in you will be prompted to sign-up (or in). If you are already logged in and are submitting an article for the first time, you will be asked to set your preferred language in the My Account section.
2) Set your Language
You language can be set to English, Spanish or both. This setting will give you the option to write in one language (English or Spanish) without needing a translation, or if you choose both, to provide a translation for your submission.
3) Write your Article
Once you have written your article, add a title, pick the correct category for that article and add any relevant tags. Now, all you need to do is click Submit Article at the bottom of the page.
4) Wait...
Once your Article has been submitted, you can go back to the My Account section to check if the article is approved. Likely, the submission will still be pending approval. This is because all submissions are reviewed by a real person. Please give the Playa Community team at least 48 hours to respond before reaching out about the status of your submission.
The My Account Section
Access the My Account section at anytime by clicking the green My Account button at the top of the page. You must be logged in to see this option. In the My Account section you will be able to see all of your submissions by clicking ’Show All News’ on the left side bar. Here you will also be able to see the status of the article (pending approval, accepted or rejected) and make any edits at any time.
Rules for submitting articles to Playa CommunityPlease keep in mind that submissions should not be the equivalent of a social media post.
For example, rather than telling us what you had for lunch, give us a review! How? Try including details about the restaurant like contact info, hours of operation... things that readers will find useful.
Or, rather than telling us about the date of an upcoming event, tell us the story surrounding that event! What could you tell people that would really make them want to attend? (Don’t worry we’ll add the date to our calendar so the logistics are covered).
Please ensure that your submission has not been copied from another source or submitted to another source, and that you have the rights to share both the text and images included.
There are a few more basic guidelines to follow that will help get your submission approved. Give them a good review here before submitting!
Finally, all content is reviewed by someone on the Playa Community team. While we use the Complete Guide to Article Submission as our ethics for determining if the submission will be published, we reserve the right to reject a submission for reasons other than those outlined. If you still have doubts after reviewing our guidelines please feel free to contact our team by to writing
Happy Writing!
- The Playa Community Team