The aftermath of Carnival 2018

Following the week-long party of Carnival in Panama, the Minister of Security celebrated a successful operation of security for Carnival 2018 in Panama. The operation was led by the Joint Task Force (FTC).
The coverage, lasting until which until noon on Tuesday, February 13 registered zero fatalities with, 10 deaths (3 of which were homicides) outside the Carnival coverage area.
During the press conference held at the Emergency Operations Center (COE) of Aguadulce, province of Coclé, the minister announced that some 47 people were rescued from beaches and boats.
According to the director of the Transit and Land Transportation Authority (ATTT), Julio González, throughout the operation of the Carnival coverage imposed a total of 13,077 traffic tickets (for various faults), representing an increase of 5 thousand 304 more than 2017.
The number of drivers fined for drinking drunk increased by 38% compared to 2017. According to the director of the Transit and Land Transportation Authority (ATTT), Julio González, 646 drivers were sanctioned for intoxication, that is 248 more than last year.
According to the ATTT, 176 thousand vehicles had returned to the capital city at noon on Tuesday, an increase of 20% in vehicles that traveled to the interior of the country during the Carnival weekend.
According to the ministry of transit, something unusual occurred this year in the driver patterns, that is that most of the drivers who traveled on Carnival dates decided to travel back to the capital February 13th. Some 400 thousand people traveled by bus from the Albrook terminal to the interior and an estimated one million travelers.
THE NATIONAL Civil Protection System (Sinaproc) saved multiple bathers from waves on the Pacific Coast, including rescues in Playa Corona, in the San Carlos district province of Panamá Oeste.
Many of the bathers were dragged by the strong waves that are registered on some Pacific coastlines, in the provinces of Coclé and Panamá Oeste where red warning flags were in effect.
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