Scholarships to study English abroad

Thirty Panamanian students between the ages of 18-23 will have the opportunity to study English-language in Canada or the United States for 8 months. The Institute for Training and ...
Thirty Panamanian students between the ages of 18-23 will have the opportunity to study English-language in Canada or the United States for 8 months. The Institute for Training and ...
Panamá will become on the first country in Central America to teach Sciences in English in public schools according to a new law created under the administration of President ...
Article by Judy Whaling On September 18, 2015, Major Leslie Howard of the National Police, approved a plan to provide English language instruction to the police ...
My first months in Panama, even after an entire year of living in Spain, I could barely order off a menu, let along muster up the courage to actually speak Spanish. How did I spend ...