How to vote as a US Citizen from Panama

A new branch of Democrats Abroad has been started in the Playa Coronado area with the goal of helping US Citizens in Panama understand how to vote from Coronado, Panama.
The branch, helps with things like getting registered and ensuring they are not purged from voting rolls.
Democrats Abroad is the Democratic Party arm for the millions of Americans living outside the borders of the country. But the group is non-partisan with respect to voter registration.
US Citizens have the right to vote in federal elections no matter where they are currently living. The US State Department estimates more than 9 million Americans are residing outside the country in 2019 – a larger population than almost 40 states. In 2018, about 221,000 US citizens abroad actually cast a ballot.
The State Department estimates about 25,000 Americans are living in Panama currently, and Democrats Abroad has local groups in Boquete, el Valle, and Panama City as well as the Playa Coronado area. DA-Panama has plans for several “Get Out the Vote” events in the coming months starting in January and will participate in the Democratic Global Presidential Primary in March 2020. So look for more announcements about dates and locations.
“We’ve had about 25 Democrats at each of our first two local gatherings,” said Kim Antonsen, DA-Panama Chair. “The diverse opinions, enthusiasm and knowledge among them make for a fun and energetic event every time.”
If you’d like to join, contact for more information about local events, or join DemocratsAbroad at Kim added, “Your voice—and your vote—matter!”
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