Acodeco answers questions on the Jubilado discount

Panama’s authority for Consumer Protection and Defense of Competition (Acodeco) has just launched a nation wide campaign publicizing senior discounts, referred to in Panama as the “Jubilado discount”. By law, these discounts are available to all Panamanians and foreign residents living in Panama over the age of 55 for females and 60 for males.
Discounts ranging from 15% to 50% are offered for seniors in a wide variety of areas including entertainment, transportation, hotels, restaurants, hospitals, pharmacies, medical services, bank loans, electricity and other utilities. Here is full list of discounts:
Recreation and Entertainment
Jubilados receive a 50% on movies, theaters, sporting events & public events
Public Transportation Jubilado Discount
- Buses 30%
-Trains 30%
- Boats 30%
- Airfare 25%
Hotels & Accommodations
The Jubilado discount on hotels and accommodations is 50% from Monday to Thursday and 30% on Friday, Saturday and Sunday.
- Individual consumption in restaurants 25%
- Fast food (not including fondus) 15%
Hospitals & Private Clinics
A 15% Jubilado discount can be applied to services in hospitals and private clinics
A 20% Jubilado discount can be applied to the cost of specific medications
Other Medical Services
- General medicine consultations as well as specialist and surgeons 20%
- Optometry services 15%
Technical and Professional Services 20%
Commissions Personal & Commercial 50%
(Commissions to close a transaction)
Maximum Intests
(Banks, financing, coopertives & credit institutions) 15%
- Passports 50%
- Airport tax 50%
Electric Energy 50%
Phone Services 25%
Water Consumption 25%
Funeral Services 20%
Services in the Public Registry 100%
Acodeco answers some of the most frequent questions about the application of the Jubilado Discount
What requirements must I meet to be beneficiary of this law?
Beneficiaries of the Jubilado Discount must be 55 years or more if female or 60 years or more if male. They must be Panamanian or foreign resident in Panama and be retired or receiving an a pension.
In the case of foreign residents in Panama, they must provide documentation certifying that they are retired or a person receiving a pension, this documentation must be duly legalized and in Spanish.
Am I entitled to discount on my meals at restaurants?
Yes, but only for your meal, this means that the discount does not include any other person accompanying you, unless the they too are eligible for the jubilado discount as the law states.
- 25% in restaurants.
- 15% franchise.
If I buy a family pizza, combo, a mega pack, a tray of chicken etc. should I be given the discount?
Yes the discount should be applied. Trays of chicken that are bought at supermarkets an exception.
Do bakeries selling breakfast apply the discount?
Discounts do not apply to bakeries or cafes. However bakeries that sell prepared food should apply the discount.
Are drinks (soda, juice, coffee, tea) offered at the discounted rate?
No discount if purchased meals. If purchased in conjunction with a meal, it is understood to be part of the complete meal (main course), than the discount should be applied the same goes for dessert.
Do cinemas that sell combos apply the jubilado discount?
The Discount does not apply because the law refers to restaurants and franchises, not cinemas.
Why don’t buses in Panama and San Miguelito give a discount?
Because they are part of the metropolitan area. Those required to give a discount are those that go from one city to another in the same province or to a different province. The discount should be 30% of the ticket value.
Do vitamins and formulas as dietary supplements to help seniors get a discount?
Not because they are not considered drugs. To consider a drug it must be prescribed by a doctor.
Are tests done in laboratories to obtain a driver's license considered for the discount?
If it is a professional or service you apply the 20% discount. To obtain the license documentation the full payment is required.
What about discounts on electricity and drinking water?
The discount for services of light is 25% as well as for always drinking water and when consumption is not more than $ 30.00/month. For both services the account must be residential.
Does the discount apply to cable and cell phone bills?
For residential phone service, a 25% discount is applied to a single home phone line.
What if the goods or services has already been discounted?
No. The company is not obliged to give an extra discount. According to the law one must choose the discount that suits you best.
What about the discount for hotels?
The discount is on the regular rate: A discount of 50% from Monday to Thursday and 30% on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays. If it is a particular event for seniors there is no discount. If the room is double occupancy and only one of the two occupants is a senior, the rate is divided between the two occupants and the discount is applied for the senior.
In hotels that sell "all inclusive" packages there is a 20% discount applied Monday to Thursday, and from Friday to Sunday a 12% discount is applied.