Rainy Season Insurance Tips

The rainy season can make for some slippery situations, so we spoke with J2L Seguros on how insurance can be the best way to keep from sinking. One important tip they passed along was that it is important to be aware of what your insurance covers. 

Make sure you know what "water damages" means, and how it applies to your coverage.

For example:

There are heavy rains in Panama City and rather than waiting them out you decide to cross a deep puddle, effectively turning you car into a sunken boat while attempting to cross.

       - or -

You are driving on the beach out in Coronado, and before you know it the tide starts to come in. Without realizing the severity of the situation, you decide to take another dip in the sea. Before you know it your car is tiers deep in the sand, breaking the incoming tide.

In these situations auto insurance will not over the damages, as these types of damages are self inflicted ones. Be safe and know your coverage.

The same problems can occur in the household. Make sure to check your roof’s water channels to ensure the drains do not get clogged and that water is draining. This maintenance is vital for your insurance to cover flood damages. Another thing important to note is your distance from the ocean, this distance must be accurately relayed to your insurance company to ensure  you are covered for flood damages.

If you are every unsure of you coverage it is best to speak to your insurance broker. If you are looking for other options or simply want info on what insurance options are available for you here in Panama contact Julio Louqe from j2L Insurance.