Taking the bus from Allbrook to Coronado

To get to Coronado by bus, go to Allbrook mall - the national bus terminal is on the south side of the mall. A taxi will drop you off in front of the terminal. From the airport a taxi is around $35.00, there is also a bus from the airport that will take you to the terminal. 1.  Go into the terminal and look for a booth that says "Anton" or "San Carlos".  Ask for tickets to Coronado.  No matter what your level of Spanish is, just saying "Coronado" will do.  The cost should be $3.00 per ticket for the Anton bus, or $2.50 for the San Carlos bus.  2.  Exit the terminal to the south (through small hallways the opposite of where you came in.) There is a 10 cent terminal tax to exit and most people use a card that has cash on it.  Just look around and you will notice someone that is using their own card to let people through.  They do this for a courtesy to gringos.  I usually pay them double for not having to hassle with standing in another line and buying a card that you won't ever need again.  Call it a tip for them being nice.

3.  Through the turnstyle and out the doors and you will enter the bus platform. Here the buses are lined up.  Around portal 45 you will see a bus (the ones we call coasters - smaller white buses) that says "Panama - Anton."
4.  As you enter - say to the bus-man at the bus door "Coronado" Most likely he will remember and yell out "Coronado" when you get there.  But if he doesn't - watch your time and it should be about 1.5 hours to Coronado.  You will see a McDonalds at the one hour mark on your right and the next McDonalds is in Coronado on your left, about 30 minutes past the first one.  (Do not count the McDonalds that’s about 10 minutes from the terminal).
5.  The buses leave as soon as they fill up.  I have waited up to 30 minutes, but that is rare.
Goodluck! Enjoy the scenery on your way to Coronado!