Has WINDOWS 8 Got You Baffled? Talk to Vera of Punto G

If you shopped for a new computer over the past Holiday season, you undoubtedly noticed there is a new version of the Microsoft Windows Operating System appropriately titled “Windows 8.”  In case you haven’t heard, this newest rendition of the industry-standard operating system has undergone a dramatic change.  So, depending on how comfortable you are with Windows 7, you may feel totally overwhelmed when you first sit down with the new Graphical User Interface (GUI) of Windows 8. Since the Windows platform is now available on cell phones and tablets, the intent of Microsoft was to create an operating system that could seamlessly transition between cell phones, tablets, laptops or desktops (think Apple’s iOS on the iPhone and iPad, or Google’s Android phones and tablets).  The problem with Microsoft’s new operating system though, is that Windows 8 suffers from an identity crisis.  Unfortunately, Microsoft’s attempt to use the same GUI on all devices has resulted in an operating system which is awkward, counter-intuitive and very difficult to use for even seasoned computer technicians.  For instance, within Windows 8, on non-touch-sensitive devices such as regular laptops/netbooks or desktops, you have the option of switching between the new interface (called “Metro”) and the old desktop interface.  While this may sound easy enough, if you don’t know the exact locations to click, you can quickly find yourself lost in a digital maze trying to get back to a standard, Windows-7-esque desktop environment.  Fortunately, as long as you’re using Windows 8 on touch-sensitive devices such as cell-phones or tablets, although the GUI is very different, the interface is quite easy to use.

If you’ve purchased a new laptop or desktop and would like Windows 8 replaced with the more familiar Windows 7, we can do this for you within 48 hours.  Or, if you’d simply like to learn to how to move around in Windows 8 (or any other operating system including Android or iOS) stop by Punto G in the Coronado Mall and sign up for a personalized class.  We guarantee that you will learn more in one hour than you will after a full day of performing research on your own.  For your information, we also offer iPhone unlocks, and Android cellphone and tablet updates, customizations, and other fun tweaks.

Here’s hoping you have a great 2013!