Secure your browsing and extend your internet service

Living in Panama comes with a variety of connectivity challenges. Concrete walls and large living areas means internet service is not always available from all areas of your home. Internet security is also a concern. One wants their browsing experience to be a private affair and also with penalties pending for illegal downloading, one needs to make sure their internet connection is secure and not available for passing wireless devices to connect to. Punto G has just introduced a number of programs to help you secure your online experience, while making sure your virtual world is accessible throughout your home or office.


FIRE IT UP - $150: In-Home set up and installation of New Internet Service, Set-top Box, and Custom-Configured1 Router

On your behalf, we will communicate with the chosen Internet Service Provider to set up your new service account, and meet the providers representative at your home during the installation of the new service. Additionally, when a Set-top Box (Roku, Boxee Box or Apple TV2) and Custom_configured router are purchased from Punto G, this package includes two (2) hours of In-Home setup and configuration of up to two (2) Set-top Boxes and one  (1) Costume-Configured router by an English  speaking technician. With this package, you will have the ability to view your favorite North American television content here in Panama.

HIGH-TECH - $230: Install, Extended and Secure Internet Connection

We will extend and secure your wired internet to one (1) additional indoor area, including an area where you have difficulty receiving internet due to concrete walls or distance from router. This package includes In-Home service up to two (2) hours, as well as all of the necessary products. Additional areas can be configured at a cost of $80.00 each.

A LITTLE BIT NERDY - $470: Install, Extend and Secure Internet Connection

We will extend and secure your wired or wireless internet connection(s) to two(2) additional indoor or outdoor areas, including areas where you have difficulty receiving internet signal due to concrete walls or distance from router. This package includes In-Home service up to three (3) hours, as well as all of the necessary products. Additional areas can be configured at a cost of $135.00 each.

SUPER GEEK - $695: Install, Extend and Secure Super Wifi Home Connection
For our Costumers with large properties, we will extend and secure your wireless internet to three (3) additional indoor or outdoor areas, including areas where you have difficulty receiving internet due to concrete walls or distance from router. This package includes In-Home service up to three (3) hours, as well as all of the necessary products. Additional areas can be configured at a cost of $175.00 each.

For more information call Punto G to 3453877 or e-mail to

