The Tropical Dry Forest of Coronado: Part Three: Preserving This Treasure

As I write these lines, cocorrón sings. It is mating season, but the offspring will not appear for another twenty years. This species of cocorrón or escarabajo is typical of the tropical dry forest. There should also be crickets, gato de loma, and white-tail deer. Armadillo, sloths and birds should abound. Lamentably, the destruction of this region by humans through pollution, building and hunting has brought an imbalance in the tropical dry forest. Plants are harvested for human consumption (for dyes, soaps, and food) before they can reproduce. Livestock is allowed to graze here. The tropical dry forest in Coronado represents a laboratory for scientists, a place for nature lovers, a space for the environmental education and a commitment conservation groups. For tourists, it is a wonderful opportunity to add to his culture the experience of this unique ecosystem.
Currently, the Coronado Golf Development, is taking several measures to preserve the tropical dry forest. The first steps are to prepare an ecological footpath (that will be named for Dr. Eugene Eisenmann, a noted Panamanian ornithologist who contributed greatly to the work of Alexander Wedmore’s study of the birds of Panama and brother of Bob Eisenmann, founder of the Coronado dream) and a butterfly pavilion and to establish a permanent program of conservation and restoration of the area. There will be a weather station and a visitor refuge.
The residents of Coronado, permanent and temporary, have the privilege to view one of the last remaining areas of tropical dry forest. They also have the responsibility to preserve it. If we allow it to die, we will never be able to replace this treasure!
Organizations that participate in the preservation of the Tropical Dry Forest of Coronado (English equivalents where available):
- ANAM (Environmental Protection Agency)
- Asociación Ecológica los guayacanes de Bethania
- Ciudad del saber (City of Knowledge)
- Consejo Municipal de Chame (Municipality of Chame)
- Despacho de la Primera Dama (Office of the First Lady)
- Dirección Nacional de Áreas Protegidas y Vida Silvestre
- Instituto de Biodiversidad de La Universidad de Panamá (Institute for Biodiversity at the University of Panama)
- Instituto Smithsonian de Investigaciones Tropicales (Smithsonian)
- Ministerio de Educación, Departamento Ambiental (Department of Environment at the Ministry of Education)
- Red de reserve Privada de Panama
- Sociedad Audubon de Panamá (Audubon Society of Panama)
- Unión Internacional de Conservación de la Naturaleza, Comité de Panama
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