Gorgona Recycling Center by PCIS Students

A new environmental program has arrived in the beach communities!!! Three teenagers at Panama Coast International School, Tao, Robert and Keola, were required, as part of their continuing education, to develop a community project . They thought long and hard; and after a lot of brain smoke, they came up with the idea of a Recycling Program for all of the beach communities. They visited many recycling companies in Panama City and talked about how they could arrange for a monthly pickup of the recycled goods at the school. Once they had arranged for the pickup, they then needed a storage space to keep all the recycling until the designated pickup time. Luckily, they had Tao’s Dad, Mike Andrus, to help them build a small storage space in back of the school. So far the program has been advertised by word of mouth through the children and staff of the school, but their goal is to process recycling from the beach communities at large.


The boys have been working very hard for two months now educating people on how recycling is done and how to properly bring recycling to the school. This is all voluntary work, and they are happy to help out. However, it's not just Tao, Robert and Keola who are working on this; it's the entire school of PCIS!

Anybody can drop off their recycling at the school, and they are currently accepting:

  • paper
  • cardboard
  • glass
  • cans
  • aluminum
  • plastic


All items need to be CLEAN and not SMELLY!!! Also, please keep in mind that the Recycling Center cannot accept

any food, liquid, batteries, diapers...........

The hours are very convenient. You can drop off your recycling on Mondays from 8:00

AM to 9:00 AM and on Thursdays from 2:00 PM to 3:00 PM. Also, if you have students at PCIS, you may bring your recyclables any time during school hours. There is always someone available to speak English, German or Spanish.

As with any innovative project that is started in the beach communities, the students at PCIS could use your help. First and foremost, please support this recycling project! Secondly, donations of CLEAR 50 gallon garbage bags would be greatly appreciated as well as monetary contributions.

So, don’t forget, please help make this program a success by getting into the recycling habit.