Local Auto Garage Handles Referrals Poorly

A couple of weeks or so ago, we informed you of a local auto service shop that would do your automobile revisado (inspection). We said they would take all the paperwork to Panama City to get new license plates(placas) for your vehicle.  The place is a 24 hrs auto service on the PanAmerican Highway west of Coronado. I was informed of this service by a Panamanian friend and decided to use them. In fact,  I accompanied two persons to the auto service place on two separate occasions; the costs and the results were satisfactory. I was pleased enough to try and help the auto service people by preparing and providing several copies of a bilingual form for people to sign to give the auto service person the poder (authority) to do the work to obtain the vehicle placas on the owner's behalf.   Following the first two successes, we decided to let it be more widely known about the local service available. It was also published on the playacommunity website. However, subsequent to the first two occasions there have been reports of significant overcharging and rough handling of the vehicle during the revision (inspection).


On Thursday Mar 13th, I went to the auto service place and tried to discuss the issues with the person(s) there. They  basically refused to talk to me as soon as I mentioned the amounts that they were charging or attempting to charge people (essentially expats, to this point).

 I present this information as the facts of what has transpired.  I do not intend to use this local auto service place for obtaining placas for my vehicles.  If persons choose to, they should be well aware of what it normally costs to do it elsewhere and guide themselves accordingly. By way of example: Terracan, 2006, 7 seater, diesel - costs to have it done by the dealer in Panama City in Nov 2007 - $75 total, including revision, pictures, Transito y Tramites(?) charges AND the person to go and do the work and bring pack the placas to the dealer. The person/runner part of that was about $15 - $20.

 Fortunately, courtesy of a gentleman Coronado resident known to many of us, we have an alternative. It is on the PanaAmerican Highway just before getting to La Chorrera.Going from El Rey towards Panama City, go past the truck weigh stations and on the left side of the road (before reaching On The Run Esso) is a plaza named Plaza el Milenio, that's where you want to go.

The Transito y Transporte is also in that plaza. Go to the area where you will see the big workshop area where there are many large bays for working on trucks. Facing the bays look at the left end of the bays and you will see a door on an angle to the rest of the building, enter that office and speak to Senor Felix de Gracia or his secretary Vicky (Spanish will be an asset).

 He will need all the same papers that you would have needed for the local guy.  The gentleman who passed this on to us has used Sr Felix and found him reasonable and effective.  I visited him today (Friday) and found him very amiable and he told me about the process (I think - language notwithstanding). I also saw on his desk, papers for another Coronado expat's vehicle that he is currently working on. I suggest starting early in the month in which you need your placas.

Me, well, I don't need my next placas for a few months so I'll get a lot of advice from many out there by then.

 I hope you find this information useful.