Ron Ponche

This is a traditional Panamanian drink, served at Christmas and New Year celebrations. It can be made with or without rum. Ingredients: - 4 big cans of evaporated Milk (315 grams each) - 2 big cans of sweetend condensed Milk - cinnamon - nutmeg - 6 beaten eggs - 2 teaspoons of vanilla - rum - 1 1/2 Cups of Water
In a blender beat the 6 eggs, then add the rest of the ingredientes excpet the rum. Once everything is beaten, pour the mix into a pot and stir it for 25 minutes in an over medium heat. Once the time has ended, add the amount of rum you prefer, and place it in glass bottles. It´s ideal as a gift. Drink it cold.
Chef Irina Ramirez G .