Kids Stuff - What we do for Fun - Part 1

I never thought that by moving to Panama, my life would become as active and as social as it has. We are of the type that will try anything once, and most of the time we end up enjoying it. Part-time surfers, golfers, tennis players and the list goes on. This too can be said for the young people in our community. It seems every week there are more young families moving into the area. This is creating an even richer community and the community is evolving to accomodate families of all ages. I recently asked the question, what do kids do for fun to a few of the young folks that I am hanging out with a few times a week. The extra-curricular activites are endless and kids are having a blast here in the tropics.
To keep kids active there is organized soccer and baseball leagues, that are run extremely well and include awesome uniforms. Surfing and swimming lessons incluing synchronized swimming are offered weekly to kids and adults of all ages. Tennis and golf lessons are also available weekly by professional and qualified coaches. The cost of these extra curricular activities is minimal. It is not only a great way to keep your kids active, but it is a great way to have them meet new friends and learn new skills.
I just recently found out there is a fabulous music teacher in the area. He is extremely talented and is instructing a few of the kids in piano, keyboard and guitar. They are learning cultural and pop music and are not only learning how to bust out a tune, but are being taught how to read music and theory.
For the young expat, by getting involved in some intermural activities like soccer and baseball, they will be sure to learn spanish quickly and begin to understand a new culture. Last week while in the pool with a 4 year old little boy, I mis-pronounced the word for "Storm". The young swimmer stopped and said, "ah no Karyn it is not Tormento it is Tormenta". He is a young expat that is attending a spanish school and plays with spanish kids and is now fluently bilingual.
For most kids in Panama, the option of sitting inside at a computer and playing video games is extremely foreign. It is nice to hear the sound of kids playing after school or watching a local soccer game in San Carlos. By moving to Panama, I can say I became a kid again. Trying new things for the first time and always playing outside. It is one of the reasons we live here and according to many of the kids I know it is what they love about living in the tropics.
If you are interested in finding out more information on any of the above activities. You can contact me and I can put you in touch with the coach or organizer.
Stay tuned for Part 2. Going to School in Panama. I will be commenting on the different options for schools both local and international curriculums.
Karyn Saunders is a young expat who has been living in the Playa Community for close to 3 years. Her passion for Panama and for her community has been seen through her articles that bring insight and discussion, and often offer useful information on living in the tropics. Karyn is a Virtual Recruiter, Article Writer and has come to specialize in Social Media Marketing. Her passion however is Personal and Professional Life Coaching and Motivational speaking.