Cambutal, Panama

From Bocas del Toro, to Boquete to the far reaches of the San Blas, each area offers such a diverse culture, geography and people.  Our latest trip to the tip of  The Azuero Pennisula was no exception, and this was a trip I am truly happy I didn't miss.   The diversity of Panama never ceases to amaze me. We flew into Guarare, which we were told is known for its folkoric traditions and festival.  The landing strip was newly renovated and quite appealing to both passengers and pilot.  We aquired a rental car from Chitre which was delivered to us in Guarare and we took off to the tip of the Azuero Pennisula.  Cambutal was our destination which took just over 75 minutes by car.  The scenery and the rolling hillside, scattered with cow farms was not only scenic but incredibly refreshing.  To sum it up, this area I would describe as a nice mix between the Wild west meets Hawaii.

Once you get there you are shut off from the world.  Your cell phone won't work and I did not see a pay phone along the way.  The darks sand beaches are boarded by tall overhanging cliffs and mountains that give this area a rustic hawaiian feel.  We ate at Los Buzos on the water where the food was fresh and incredibly inexpensive.  Beer is 50 cents and dinner for 4 came to $20.  Breafast was $2.50 per person including coffee served by friendly staff.  The Cambutal Hotel was the highlight of the trip.  This new hotel is truly an oasis among already existing beauty.  The resort situated on the ocean offers a beautiful pool, simple but elegant rooms and a great tuna burger.  The place is so friendly even the humming birds come to greet you as you walk into the hotel. 
To finish off our trip, we stumbled upon a squash farm.  A pile of squash 3 feet high by 20 fee wide was awaiting us.  Of course we stopped, took pictures and bought 5 huge butternut squash for a total of $2.  Bar none it is the best squash I have tasted in my life.
Cambutal, where the men all wear their cultural hats, the food is delicious and the waves are always perfect.  If you have overlooked the Azuero Pennisula, look again.  We suggest flying but if you drive, keep your camera out as you never know when a Cowboy or and Indian carrying a surfboard may cross your path.
altKaryn Saunders is a young expat who has been living in the Playa Community for close to 3 years.  Her passion for Panama and for her community has been seen through her articles that bring insight and discussion, and often offer useful information on living in the tropics.  Karyn is a Virtual Recruiter, Article Writer and has come to specialize in Social Media Marketing. Her passion however is Personal and Professional Life Coaching and Motivational speaking.