Heros Remem-bered

The legacy of the heroes is remembered on the Day of the Dead
With the traditional pilgrimage to the Amador cemetery in El Chorrillo, national and municipal authorities recalled the legacy of the Independence heroes this Friday, November 2, Day of the Dead.
The pilgrimage was headed by the President of the Republic, Juan Carlos Varela, who, appointed as a keynote speaker, the former Minister of Social Development Alcibiades Vásquez Velásquez.
Vásquez Velásquez in an interview prior to his speech at the mausoleum dedicated to the memory of former President Manuel Amador Guerrero recalled that Panama is a country where everyone "is equal".
He also recalled that at the end of 115 years of the republican life of Panama, the country is totally sovereign and independent.
This ceremony was presided over by the mayor of Panama, José Isabel Blandón and the president of the Municipal Council Carlos Lee , who is the representative of the village of Pueblo Nuevo.
Brid was the president of the Municipal Council of Panama during the separatist acts of Colombia and is considered one of the Panamanian heroes.
Varela called Friday to honor the country and go to the parades.
The president toured the streets in San Felipe and El Chorrillo accompanied by members of the Cabinet Council and Blandón.
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