Mayor of Arraijan sentenced for embezzlement

The mayor of Arraiján, Pedro Sánchez Moró and Omar Rugliancich, head of Human Resources, were sentenced yesterday, June 28th to 84 months in prison and disqualified from public functions for 5 years.
Sánchez Moró and Rugliancich were convicted by the Third Criminal Court of La Chorrera, held by Judge Nilka Delgado. On June 12, Delgado accepted the legal term of 30 days to dictate sentence in this case that affected the Municipality of Arraiján.
In July 2017 Sánchez Moró, member of the Democratic Revolutionary Party (PRD), was called to trial by the Third Criminal Court for the alleged commission of the crime of embezzlement.
An investigation was opened relating to the hiring of players from the Santa Gema football club - owned by Sánchez Moró - in the Municipality of Arraiján, but supposedly never worked.
In the aforementioned hearing the anti-corruption public prosecutor of discharge, Lizzie Bonilla, indicated that the parties’ tests were carried out and asked Delgado for a conviction for both defendants.
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