Father sentenced for raping daughter

The Public Ministry has sentenced a man in Cocle who committed the crime of aggravated rape against his daughter, to 108 months in prison.

His daughter, who was under the age of 13, was approximately 37 weeks pregnant. The result of a DNA test confirmed that the accused was the biological father.

The sentence was determined in a hearing held on October 30th, 2017. The Court of Judgment also issued the accessory penalty of $500, payable to the National Treasury at the end of one year.

The events, which occurred between the months of June and July 2015, took place in the house he shared with the victim, in the community of La Mata, El Copé district of the Coclé province. 

The Hearing on Compliance is set for November 12, 2018, at 10 o’clock in the morning.