Panamanians affected by Hurricane Harvey

A group of Panamanians living in Houston, Texas, have been affected by the Tropical Storm Harvey. In conversation with La Prensa, one victim reported that while water did not enter their apartment.
This is because it is on the second floor of a building, however, the group of Panamanians found themselves trapped. They could not leave the area because of the severe flooding.
The victim explained that his neighbors, who live on the ground floor and in single-family homes, could not save anything. All of their belongings, their houses, and their cars were submerged in water.
A Panamanian woman, who has lived in Houston for two years, reported that the access roads and freeways in the cities of Alvin and Pearland were flooded. She explained that regular businesses had become shelters to provide relief to the victims and their pets. "We continue to trust God. He has complete control" she said.
According to the source, two other Panamanian families that have small children were also affected. Despite having lost everything, she added, they were able to get out of their homes on time.
Homes were the most affected by the natural disaster. Panama's consul in Houston, Juan Sosa, informed the media that they are aware of two cases in which two large groups of Panamanians were affected.
A group of students from the International Maritime University of Panama (UMIP) who participated in an academic internship in Huston was evacuated to Louisiana. Currently, the embassy is carrying out the procedures to bring them back to Panama as soon as possible.
Currently, New Orleans airport is closed, as now-storm Harvey is expected to head to that location.
Another group of Panamanians were in Houston for a soccer tournament. Currently, Sosa said, they are in talks with United Airlines to be able to replace a flight they had scheduled since Houston airport is also closed.
Sosa estimated that there are about 10 thousand Panamanians living in the state of Texas, of which between 3 thousand and 4 thousand are in the city of Houston.
For Panamanians affected by Tropical Storm Harvey and their families, the Panama Ministry of Foreign Affairs has set up the Information Coordination Center (Cecodi), which is available 24 hours a day. Your phone number is (507) 504-8814, the email is and the WhatsApp number is (507) 6671-1040.
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