Salvador Dalí Collections in Panama for the First Time

Work from the surrealist, Salvador Dalí, is currently on display in Panama. The exhibit highlights two popular collections, “Gala Dinner” and "The capricious dreams of Pantagruel" and will be on display in Panama until August 28th 2016.
The exhibition, which has already been displayed in El Salvador and Colombia, is in Panama’s Cultural Center of Spain-Casa del Soldado, before heading to Peru and then to the Dominican Republic. This is the first time Salvador Dalí's work has been shown in Panama.
Gregorio Urriola, director of Panama headquarters of the Iberoamericana University Foundation (FUNIBER), explains that the collection is made up of "original prints” and that it is “a highly valued collection.”
The curator of the exhibit is Dr. Federico Fernández Diez, dean of the Faculty of Humanities of the European Atlantic University, with headquarters in Santander (Spain).
"The capricious dreams of Pantagruel and Gala dinners with graphic works by Salvador Dalí " is free to the public and open daily Tuesday to Thursday from 10:00 a.m. until 6:00 p.m. and Friday to Saturday from 10:00 a.m. until 8:00 p.m.
Centro Cultural de España Panamá - Casa del Soldado is located in Plaza de Francia, Casco Viejo Panamá.
Lunes: cerrado
Martes a jueves: 10am-6pm
Viernes a domingo: 10am-8pm
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