A Successful Event by the Art in the Park Foundation

Last Friday October 23 the Art in the Park Foundation hosted a night of painting and jazz, at the Coclé Hotel. Tickets to the event were sold in advance, as well as at the door for a cost of $15.
The event was well attended, bringing together artists and art buyers from Penenomé and throughout Panama. The gala began with wine and appetizers, as guests took in the art, and chatted with the artist. Speeches began at around 8pm, concluding with raffling off of a piece of work donated by the Penonomeño painter, Rolando Guardia.
The funds from the raffle and event will go to help fund to projects and programs created by the Art in the Park Foundation Penonomé.
The night continued with live Jazz, as paintings, mostly by local artist, were admired and sold. The girl pictured here is also from Penonomé. She is a full time artist and has sold several pieces of work. Her portrait, of a young girl in rubber boots carrying wood, is oil on canvas and sold for $200.