More Turtle Egg Poachers Convicted

On Saturday August 27th, Alexis Perez the regional chief of protected areas and wildlife in Los Santos confirmed the seizure of 1,314 illegally trafficked turtle eggs in Tonosí, Los Santos. Of the eggs recovered in the most recent bust, 687 embryos were destroyed, 381 eggs were saved and are currently in a nursery located in Cambutal.  

This is the third turtle egg seizure from this region of Panama in less than 15 days. Read about the other seizures here:

Five convicted for trafficking turtle eggs

Turtle egg poachers receive $600 fine

Starting in the month of August continuing until early December Panama is a nesting site for the olive ridley turtle and hawksbill turtle. Read more about sea turtles in nesting in Panama: Panama's Efforts to Protect the World's Sea Turtle Population