Migratory Birds Arriving in Panama

The Panama Audubon Society is reporting hundreds of thousands of birds arriving at sites such as Cerro Ancón and around Summit Park in the city as the winter migrants arrive. Although Panama is home to such exotic sounding species as the Brown-backed dove, Azuero Parakeet, Veraguan Mango, and Green-napped Tanager and the Darien is a place where flocks of wild parrots fly overhead and Volcán Baru National Park is a great spot to see species such as the Quetzal, Panama is also the winter home for North American backyard feeder species such as Rose breasted grosbeaks and Baltimore Orioles.



As many as 976 different species of birds have been recorded in Panama according to the Audubon Society. Popular and easy to reach bird watching sites include Metropolitan National Park and Summit Park in Panama City as well as Camino de Plantación Park in Colon however from the Darien to Chiriquí Panama is full of bird watching opportunities.

white-necked jacobin.jpgUseful bird guides are "Where to Find Birds in Panama" for $30 and "The Birds of Panama, a Printable Checklist" downloadable as a pdf file from the Panama Audubon Society site, http://www.panamaaudubon.org/images/publications/panamachecklist.pdf.

If getting to know the birds of Panama interests you the Panama Audubon Society is sponsoring a “Birdwalk for Beginners” open to the public at Metropolitan National Park on Sunday, November 1. Cost is $3 for residents, $5 for visitors, and $2 for children under 12. Call (507) 232-5977 or email info@panamaaudubon.org for more information.