Panama legalizes medical marijuana use

Panama’s national assembly has unanimously passed Bill 153 that will regulate the use of medical cannabis. The bill will allow research into the use of the plant as an alternative to pain medication.
Panama’s medical cannabis bill passed in its third debate, after 5 years in the works. National Assembly President Crispiano Adames and Marcos Castillero, promoted Bill 153 as a means to ensure responsible access to medicinal cannabis products in Panama.
Once the bill becomes law, Panama will move to import cannabis in pill and liquid drop form.
"The bill was drafted in a way that seeks to prevent future smuggling by requiring a controlled environment."Adames believes the new law’s most significant achievement will be providing relief to deserving patients. This is perhaps in part what gave the initiative grounds, the motto, “for a day without pain.”
- Crispiano Adames
The new medical marijuana use law prohibits commercial use of homegrown cannabis, and imported cannabis will only be allowed in pills and oil.
The bill now awaits the signature of President Laurentino Cortizo.
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