MICI calls mining a pillar of Panama’s post-pandemic economy

The Ministry of Commerce and Industries (MICI) says mining will be an “important pillar of the country’s post-pandemic economy," designating 25,000 hectares of protected land for mining concessions.

MICI incorporates two areas of Colón and Coclé to the mining concessions regime (LA PRENSA) 

The 25 thousand hectares of land located in Colón and Coclé have already been designated "viable and convenient for the interests of the State" to add to Panama’s mining concession regime again. These areas were previously designated as reserves in 2010 and 2015. 

The resolutions come one week after a dialogue between MICI and the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) which started in an effort to draw up a national mining policy.

CIAM, Panama’s Center for Environmental Incidents states this is a dialogue that should last six months and seek a “strong institutional framework that allows safeguarding the rights and legitimate interests of those involved.”